Saturday 28 June 2008

Holidaying in the Sun

Next Saturday I'm off on holiday with my gorgeous man. Days of lying in the sun; nights of... well, all sorts of things, I hope. I think it's time to (re)discover a few kinks and do some "market research" for the erotica. That's my excuse, anyway :)

Not sure how it'll help the historical lesbian novel that my brain has insisted that it wants me to write, but I'm hoping to have inspiration for a quieter pace of life as I get away from work and home and checking my email every five seconds to see if I've had writing accepted.

Ah, holidays. How I love you.

Wednesday 11 June 2008

The Reviewers Love Me (well, one does...)

I got a review for my novel, One Kiss From A Stranger, at Cocktail Reviews. And it was a good 'un, and I'm utterly thrilled. The entire review is here: but a snippet is below...

I loved the voice in One Kiss From a Stranger. The emotions Sylvia felt were well shown, and her dilemma and guilt over her own desires made me empathise with her. Long before One Kiss From a Stranger is over, you’ll feel like you’ve made a friend. I was sad when the book ended. I wanted it to go on and on.

So, if you didn't know about it, please check it out at If you did know about it and haven't bought it - what excuse can you possibly have?!?

Friday 6 June 2008

Imagine you're on a tropical beach, far away from the hustle of your normal life. The sun is shining overhead, and you know if you get too hot you can just throw yourself into a warm sea. You have a book beside you full of sensual, sexual stories of men and women (and women and women, and men and men) - some beautiful fantasy people, others giving you the idea that this could be you - having wonderful, fantastic sex.

You take another sip of your drink and turn your head to one side. Lying on a towel to your left is a handsome man (or gorgeous woman, depending on your taste) who turns towards you and gives you the biggest come on you've ever received...

We can all dream :)